Islamic senior high school 2 Tulungagung is a germ education of religion department. So this school has a characteristic Moslem, although have a characteristseic Moslem, but Islamic senior high school 2 tulungagung never leave like science,langue,social,et cetera. What is more thirty persen is knowladge theology and eighti persen is a universal know ladge is unique from this school is when to read a holy Al-quran before started of subject.
            Islamic senior high school 2 Tulungagung be located not far from center town. This school be loceted of this school is  about five kilometers a short part Tulungagung. Place of this school is very strategis, because this located school at the left of arterial road which to connect with town center and all sorts of tourism place in Tulungagung more over this school be located at the left of ayqieru agricultur service. Behind this school is a Islamic first high school Tulungagung. In front of this school is pawn shoap Tulungagung. Universitas Tulungagung is on the left side of  this school. This school belocated at ki mangun sarkoro stret, beji village, Boyolangu, Tulungagung, east java.
            In Islamic senior high school 2 Tulungagung  has a thipical characteristic was different with other school. For example : Islamic senior high school 2 Tulngagung has uniform with different color. Female students from this school always to use short veil to actifties in school. Because it is thypical characteristic at this school. Islamic senior high school 2 Tulungagung has about one thoushand students from first class for last class. Whit comparison male and female is one exceld trhee. This situation be appeared whith total female students which more than male students.
            Islamic senior high school 2 Tulungagung has trhee of direction, this direction is science, language and social. This trhee direction be a mett when at eleven great and twelve. In this school we found four global oriented class . this class is classes whit  level international. But in first grate also found regular class whit seven class. Make direction on, is whit potency of individu whit several direction. Besides that we just must be able to direction.
            In this school has more facilty. For instance : in front of school we found a shoop with name AL-FARABI . school yard, place for basket ball, futsal, voly ball, and place for ceremony on Mondays. Behind of school yard is two storey buildi XI-science2ng .In this buldig we found office, headmaster room, theacer room, XI-science3, XII-science1,XI & XII language, physical laboratory, computer laboratory and metting room. In the south part of  Islamic senior high school 2 Tulungagung is park, social class, library, physic laboratory.
            Islamic senior high school 2 Tulungagung has many extracuriculer, in extracuriculer we can study organitation, for example : scout, we can study healthy on teen red cross, we can study Arabic and English language in itla’i, we can also study defend with kempo, taekwondo and pagar nusa. We can to lead our hobby with badminton, futsal, volley ball and basket ball. Olimpiade training center for smarts students. Teen mouque, et cetera. We can play music with “genta nada” band and extracurricular music. From that all, we can also pull ap our dreams.
            From many extracurriculler and that all. Islamic senior high school Tulungagung 2 once many appreciation . for example : Islamic senior high school Tulungagung 2 has number one and the best for contes cleanest school. The best of drumband at east java. Number one of competition “kakang” at Tulungagung. The best for kempo when at championship at all east java in Surabaya, Malang and Gresik.
By: ZA

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